In an upcoming Marvel miniseries titled Models Inc., Project Runway‘s famous, fashion designer Tim Gunn is making a cameo in which he’s forced to don Tony Stark’s Iron Man armor in order to defend his fashion exhibit from evil doers. Sounds like a job for a world-renowned fashion designer, no?
Models Inc. is a story about a modeling agency that handles the likes of Mary Jane Watson, Patsy Walker, Jill Jerold, Chili Storm, and even Millie the Model. When a young set designer is found dead by way of bullet holes in his back, the models are forced to play detective to save one of their own from persecution.
The book is by Paul Tobin (Spider-Man and the Secret Wars) and Vicenc Villagrassa (Exiles) and hits shelves next Wednesday. Check out the video interview with our friends at Comics Alliance, where Gunn talks with Marvel Marketing Coordinator Margarita Vaisman on his role in the book, his most memorable fashion statements in the Marvel Universe, and even a few fashion tragedies, including how Hulk destroys his clothes every time he transforms. Models Inc. hits comic stores nationwide September 9th.