Watch The Academy Award Winning Animated Short 'Logorama' Online

Watch The Academy Award Winning Animated Short ‘Logorama’ Online

While most believe that the wins for The Hurt Locker and Kathryn Bigelow were the most deserving and biggest upsets of this years Academy Awards, those are nothing in comparison to the pure excellence of this year’s winner for Best Animated Short Film, Logorama.

From a collaborative effort of directors François Alaux, Herve de Crecy, and Ludovic Houplain, the short is approximately 17 minutes long (3 of those minutes being the end credits alone) about a twist on a modern day Los Angeles, in which everything from the buildings to the cars to the people are made up of popular logos.

The short film would be quite impressive without a story, just a series of shots and pans of this impressive city, but instead we’re thrown into an epic crime noir story that turns into an even more epic disaster film. I’m sure there are tons of social remarks and jabs at Corporate America to be found here, but it’s still pretty cool to see a high speed chase between Ronald McDonald and the Michelin Man.

A Belgian website entitled Garage TV has thrown up the entire short film online, for free, to watch. Check it out after the jump before it goes away, and be prepared to be impressed.