Marvel’s Moon Knight has never been a character I thought much of. Not that he’s terrible or in any way uninteresting, I just never got “into” him. I usually stuck to other comics from Marvel like Captain America, X-Men and the like and didn’t really branch out all that much. I know, I’m sure I should have.
Obviously, one person’s lack of interest hasn’t stopped Moon Knight from becoming quite popular. So popular, in fact, that he’s starring in a new comic and we’ve got a preview for the first issue for you today.
The new book, called Shadowland: Moon Knight #1, comes from author Gregg Hurwitz and artist Bong Dazo and tells the story of Daredevil, defender of Hell’s Kitchen and leader of the ninja death cult known as the Hand who enlists both the villainous Profile and a new avatar of Khonshu to permanently eliminate Moon Knight. What will Moon Knight do? Why kick ass, of course. Although, not if Daredevil has anything to say about it.
Check out previews for the new comic after the jump. Shadowland: Mood Knight #1 hits comic book stores on August 25th.