Fox Contending To Release The 23rd James Bond Film

Fox Contending To Release The 23rd James Bond Film

We know it was good news for both Bond fans and fans of the spy genre in general when it was announced that MGM was going through with the 23rd James Bond film. Now it looks like things could be getting better, as 20th Century Fox is looking into distributing the film.

From THR:

The new MGM management team of Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum has been talking informally to Paramount, where Barber and Birnbaum have a long-standing relationship. But last Friday, they also listened to a pitch from top Fox executives, who argue that their studio would do the best job exploiting Bond, as well as other future MGM films. They also believe they could wring the most out of the MGM library.

Fox has had a longstanding deal to distribute MGM movies on DVD and its films overseas, though that pact is set to expire in September.

The main contenders look to be Paramount and Fox, but that doesn’t mean that Sony, the studio that released the last two Bond films to theaters, is out of the fight. We’ll find out soon enough where MGM decides to land.