E3 2011: Day One Photos - Booths, Games, Babes and More!

E3 2011: Day One Photos – Booths, Games, Babes and More!

That’s right boys and girls it’s E3 time again. So, you know what that means, right? It means we will have a bunch of game trailers, videos and more to share over the next couple days.

It also means photos. Lots of photos. We like photos. Photos tell a story. They tell a story of E3 full of exotic booths, exotic games, exotic trips to far off lands and exotic booth babes.

That’s right, the booth babes are back this year and we’ve got pictures to prove it. So, click on through for what will probably be the first of at least a couple more galleries of photos showing off the sights, sounds and even smells of E3 in Los Angeles.

Well, maybe not the smells. That would be a little difficult. Click through for all the excitement.