Apple's New iPad Gets Early Unboxing Video

Apple’s New iPad Gets Early Unboxing Video

You knew it would happen sooner or later. People just can’t seem to resist shooting video when unboxing new, shiny tech products.

Of course, one of the shiniest and newest of tech products is Apple’s latest iPad. The device, which was announced last week with expected arrival into eager hands this week, already has an unboxing video curtesy of Vietnamese Apple blog Naturally, we’ve got it for you to see and enjoy.

In the video we get our first good look at the new device and that famed “reta-display” everyone is talking about. Sadly, the video can’t really do the display justice as it isn’t actually displaying at the resolution the screen is capable of.

However, that doesn’t stop us from being pretty impressed with the new iPad. In fact, it’s pretty clear we need to add this to our early Christmas list.

Or, perhaps to a gift list for a holiday that comes a bit sooner. St. Patrick’s Day present anyone?

Check out the unboxing video after the break.