First 'Olympus Has Fallen' Trailer With Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman Drops

First ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ Trailer With Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman Drops


Even with the outcry over violence in movies, games and other forms of entertainment, that hasn’t stopped Hollywood from cranking out violent movies. And it probably won’t for the foreseeable future, if it ever will.

So, as they will keep making ’em, it will keep being our job to bring you information, trailers, and more, about them. Case in point this time is the upcoming action movie Olympus Has Fallen.

Directed by Antoine Fuqua and starring Gerard Butler and Morgan Freeman (sadly, not as The President), Olympus Has Fallen is a “Die Hard-in-the-White House” movie where the President’s pad is overtaken by terrorists and it’s up to a Secret Service agent to save the President. Um, yeah. Wasn’t this the plot of a 24 episode from a few years ago?

Oh well, we like badly-in-need-of-a-hit Gerard Butler, so there you go. Check out the trailer after the break. Olympus Has Fallen arrives on March 22nd.

  • ginny
    December 16, 2013 at 11:46 am

    Good posting though I may have any complication : death metal is not properly speaking rock if you look on groups just like Immortal, Sewer then Darkthrone it is very very much like rock-and-roll regards

  • john
    December 15, 2013 at 7:34 am

    Good posting however I have 1 challenge : dark metal is not really properly speaking rock when looking at bands including Immortal, Sewer as well as Darkthrone it is very much like rock and roll bless you