DreamWorks Animation’s Oobermind has enlisted three new superheroes, with Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill lending their voices to the animated comedy. Variety reports that Ferrell is replacing Robert Downey Jr. in the title role of a supervillain whose dastardly dreams come true after defeating good-guy rival Metro Man (Pitt). Finding life boring without an adversary, Oobermind creates Titan (Hill), a superhero who also wants to be a villain, forcing Oobermind to switch sides.
The three actors join the already signed Tina Fey, who voices the reporter tasked with keeping track of the city’s confusing superhero situation. Oobermind will be directed by Tom McGrath, co-helmer of the popular Madagascar franchise. The project would have marked the first major animation role for Downey, Jr., who exited due to scheduling conflicts.
Oobermind will be released in Fall 2010 and will be distributed in stereoscopic 3-D.