Its probably only a matter of time before Hollywood studios remake or reboot each and every movie and tv show that’s been made in the last thirty years. Its inevitable as original ideas and creativity dry up and are replaced more and more with new projects obviously pitched during a heated ten minutes between rounds of golf at the Wilshire Country Club.
Case in point this time is the planned reboot of director Michael Lehman’s classic black comedy Heathers which, according to Variety, Fox, Sony TV and Lakeshore Entertainment are planning on doing. Why you may ask? Well, my personal favorite quote from the Variety piece illustrates my earlier point perfectly.
“We had the title, and talked about doing a film remake at times,” said Lakeshore prexy Gary Lucchesi. “But doing it for TV seemed like a fresh and original idea.”
So, taking what was once a movie and making it a TV show is what passes for “fresh and original” in Hollywood these days? Awesome.