Tickets for 'Avatar' Already On Sale

Tickets for ‘Avatar’ Already On Sale

avatar_movie_sam_worthington_01Around The Flickcast offices, we’re pretty excited to see James Cameron’s upcoming film Avatar and you probably are also. The innovative technology alone will make it worth the trip and if the rest of the film’s elements like story, characters and performances hold up, it could be a most interesting and enjoyable time at the movies. But apparently, we’re not excited enough because we’re not getting our tickets for the film’s December 18th opening right now.

Yes, that’s right, tickets for midnight showing of Avatar are now on sale at online ticket brokers and Fandango for performances at more than 75 AMC locations, most of them Imax 3D venues. According to MovieTickets’ Joel Cohen, this is pretty unusual.

“Tickets being put on sale for a film four months in advance is unheard of,” said Cohen. “The fact that tickets have already been sold really speaks to the tremendous buzz the film has already created and the power of James Cameron at the box office.”

Of course, without knowing the final running time of the movie its pretty much impossible to sell tickets for anything but a midnight show. Still, sales of the midnight tickets were said to be “healthy.” I wonder if this is a start of a new trend? Will we be able to start ordering tickets for other upcoming releases this way? If so, I would like to get a couple tickets to Tron Legacy, Iron Man 2 and Batman 3 please. That way I can be sure they won’t be sold out.