New Conan O’Brien TV Spot Gives Us A Touching Stripper Moment

New Conan O’Brien TV Spot Gives Us A Touching Stripper Moment

Now that the NBC dust has settled, all of the diehard Conan O’Brien fans can put aside their hatred for Leno as the premiere date for the first episode of Conan’s show on TBS draws closer and closer. Well, probably not. But at least we still have the show to look forward to.

Conan is done touring, back in California, and getting things ready for what looks to be the biggest thing to hit TBS since the birth of the network. With that come some amazing new TV spots from the Team CoCo crew which can be considered to be either weird or genius, depending on your outlook.

In the most recent spot, we get a touching moment with an old man and a stripper. See what we were saying? Genius.

Check out the fulfilling moment after the jump and be sure to glue yourself to the TV or DVR for the premiere of Conan on November 8th, only on TBS. Very Funny. Soon to be Funnier.