PAX East 2011: The Wrapup

PAX East 2011: The Wrapup

One minute I was just arriving in Boston, and the next I was packing up my bags and saying goodbye to PAX East 2011. And what a weekend it was.

From sampling the finest in upcoming videogames, watching some amazing concerts, meeting and making new friends, and bonding with old ones, this convention has got to be the best weekend of my year. Penny Arcade really puts together an amazing show, and it’s amazing that they do it twice a year, once on this coast and then over on their home turf of Seattle.

Not only was this the best PAX East ever (In my opinion), it was also the biggest. Head hancho Robert Khoo of Penny Arcade said that this year’s PAX had 69,500 attendees, up from last year’s 52,290 at the much tinier Hynes Convention Center.

This year’s venue, the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, is a great venue and the convention has a ton of room to grow in its space, so it’s going to be exciting to see what this con is going to become in the coming years. I’m sure it will continue to grow, especially because video games show no signs of lessening in popularity.

While it sucks that PAX East is over and done, we’ve got plenty of time to charge our batteries, as PAX Prime is from August 26-28th in Seattle, and PAX East will commence in 2012, this time in April, from the 6-8th.

See you next year!