First Look at Daniel Day-Lewis In Spielberg's 'Abraham Lincoln'

First Look at Daniel Day-Lewis In Spielberg’s ‘Abraham Lincoln’

Can British actor Daniel-Day Lewis pull of a convincing Abraham Lincoln? Check out the first officially released image from the upcoming biopic Lincoln after the break and judge for yourself. We’ve included a previous snapshot of the actor (above) for comparison.

There’s no question that Day-Lewis is one of the most versatile actors in Hollywood, but playing the iconic and beloved 16th President of the United States may prove to be his most scrutinized role to date. That being said, the new picture with Lewis in full costume and make-up is incredibly good. Even without the stovepipe hat, Day-Lewis looks very convincing. Let’s hope he’s just as good on screen as he is in a photo.

Lincoln follows the president in his final four months as the Union comes closer to victory in the Civil War and slavery is abolished. The Dreamworks/Disney film is directed by Steven Spielberg and is due out November 9.