International Trailer For 'The Green Hornet' Arrives

International Trailer For ‘The Green Hornet’ Arrives

Not a lot of people are holding out hope for Seth Rogen’s Green Hornet. There seems to be a general consensus from both the studio and the critic community that the film looks pretty awful, to the point where Sony has already attempted to save the film by converting it to 3D and pushing back the release date to a less active weekend.

It just seems that the film is destined for Jonah Hex-style obscurity. With that said, you should know exactly what to expect when going into the film. You could end up having the time of your life if you have little-to-no expectations, and the film could end up surprising you entirely.

The newest trailer lends to that theory. Written by Rogen and Evan Golberg, the same team who did Superbad, the film is a comedic send up to the classic pulp hero. Inglorious Basterds’ star Christoph Waltz even steps in as the film’s baddie, which should raise the film’s geek cred.

Check out the newest international trailer for the flick after the jump. Then, lower your expectations and check out Rogen’s The Green Hornet in theaters on January 14th, 2011.