'NBA Baller Beats' Will Shatter Living Rooms in Fall 2012

‘NBA Baller Beats’ Will Shatter Living Rooms in Fall 2012

Star Wars Kinect revealed to many that motion gaming just isn’t what we were expecting from the Kinect. Whether it is the fault of the developers or the hardware, Star Wars Kinect is a flop. What can be done to save the Kinect at this point? As much as we love Dance Central, there are only so many times Microsoft can turn to Harmonix to save the Kinect’s butt with a quality experience. Many people say the loss of tactile feedback whether it is the press of a button or holding the actual object in their hand they are swinging on screen that leaves the Kinect experience unfulfilled. While we don’t know if NBA Baller Beats is the ultimate answer, it has certainly got our attention.

From the trailer below, though we don’t see actual gameplay footage, the impression is given of a Dance Central style rhythm game mainly with hip hop music that players must not only mimic the motions of the character on screen with their own body but of a real basketball as well. You wanted tactile feedback from Kinect? Here you go (especially since people would look incredibly silly pretending to make dribbling motions around their living rooms).

NBA Baller Beats gets players on their feet mastering mad ball handling skills while playing to the beat of an eclectic soundtrack. The Kinect motion sensor captures every movement of both player and ball to create an entirely new basketball gaming experience. NBA Baller Beats will be unveiled at E3 2012 and will launch exclusively on Kinect for Xbox 360 this Fall.

Motion games have warned people to make sure to clear the area around them so they don’t crash into furniture or other people but now there is even more to worry about. What’s interesting will be the test of player’s coordination as they watch the screen to watch the moves they need to perform and keep control of the ball at the same time. Judging from my own basketball skills topping out with an epic 16 points during my entire 7th grade season, I don’t think I will be putting my living room at risk but for the more athletically inclined, it might be the right game to get them to dust off their Kinect.

Check out the teaser trailer for NBA Baller Beats after the jump.

  • Living Room Design
    January 28, 2013 at 4:12 pm

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