Episode 456: Nerds Love Music

Episode 456: Nerds Love Music

Nerds Love Music

It’s time for a brand new episode of The Flickcast. The podcast about stuff nerds love. This week it’s a “special” one we like to call Episode 456: Nerds Love Music.

This episode is a bit different from the usual ones. Due to those pesky “circumstances” this week we’re sharing something we usually reserve just for Patrons.

Before and after the usual recording of the episodes you all listen to and love, the boys also record other things just for Patrons. That’s what this week’s episode is. It contains discussions about music, Ted Lasso, Star Wars: Visions and why Joe hates Nirvana. Yeah, that was a surprise to us too.

Fortunately, no tangents this week and the episode is not as long as they normally are. Bonus! But don’t worry, Chris and Joe will be back next week with a brand new episode chock full of all the stuff nerds love. 

And yes, tangents and incredible length will also be back too. As will picks. No picks this week, though. Sorry about that. Oh, and apologies for all the coughing and throat clearing. Chris sometimes has a problem with that. It’s very dry where he lives. 

If you like the show, please consider rating or reviewing it on Apple Podcasts, or your podcast app of choice. Every rating or review helps. And if you’re really feeling it, consider supporting the show on Patreon. That would be cool. 

Thanks for listening!

As always, if you have comments, questions, critiques, offers of sponsorship or whatever, feel free to hit us up in the comments, on Twitter, Instagram or, yes, even Facebook. Or shoot us an email. We don’t mind.



Opening music by GoodB Music under Creative Commons License
End music by Kevin MacLeod under Creative Commons License
Image: Ed Sirrs/Retna Ltd.