The Flickcast's 'On the Radar'

The Flickcast’s ‘On the Radar’

Welcome to this week’s On the Radar where we delve into all corners of the entertainment, tech and geek Internets for news, views and whatnot that may have escaped our regular coverage this week. Let is know if we missed something interesting. Otherwise, on to the links!

• Joel McHale, proving to us once again that he’s the man, stopped by The Today Show to pimp Community and mock Kathy Lee and Hoda.

• Halloween may be over, but here are some awesome costumes you may have missed.

• People and their damned streaming. Internets everywhere have been clogged up by the massive use of Netflix over the past week.

A laptop desk that you can attach to your steering wheel? Not since the first porn film played on a portable in-car DVD player has another device potentially caused so many accidents.

• Miss last Sunday’s pilot of AMC’s The Walking Dead? Well lucky for you, the episode is currently online in its entirety.

• Getting your list on, as usual, here are 10 of the best lessons taught to us by comics.

• A group of die hard Harry Potter fans gathered in the center of Grand Central to reenact one of their favorite scenes. New Yorkers were not phased.

• It looks like he may not have found another Alias after all, as J.J. Abrams’ Undercovers has officially gotten the boot from NBC.