Here's the First Trailer for 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'

Here’s the First Trailer for ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’


Say what you will about Bryan Singer’s take on the X-Men, but at least his was way better than what that other guy did with X-Men: Last Stand. Jeez, what a mess that was.

And don’t get us started on his desire to do a Battlestar Galactica movie. We’ve covered that, but it’s not the point right now. This is about the X-Men.

Anyway, Singer has been working on a new X-Men movie, a sequel to Matthew Vaughn’s excellent X-Men: First Class, and now there’s a new trailer for it for all to see.

In it we get a good look at the movie and the mutants who will be joining forces to battle the Sentinels. And yes, that list is pretty impressive.

Check out the trailer after the break. Look for X-Men: Days of Future Past to hit theaters on May 23, 2014.