Last time on Weekly Link Love we featured some YouTube creators who’s work we enjoy watching and learning from. This week we’re switching it up a bit and giving you a heads up about cool Twitter accounts we enjoy reading and think you’ll enjoy too.
That’s right, it’s time for another edition of Weekly Link Love. As we’ve done before, this is place where we highlight websites, blogs, videos, socials (including cool Twitter accounts) or other people & places we think you should know about.
Sure, Twitter can often be a shitty place filled with meandering “hot takes” and people who’d rather argue than make an actual point, but it’s got some good things going for it too. It’s not all bad, especially now that certain people have been asked to vacate the premises. That means more cool Twitter accounts left to follow!
You may have heard of none, some, or all of these Twitter users. And yes, we know we featured a few of them in previous Weekly Link Love posts, but they’re worth your time so we’re link loving them again!
So that’s that. As always, don’t forget to spread the love.
Now, on to the links!
Alex Segura – We love Alex’s work, especially his Pete Fernandez series and recent Poe Dameron: Freefall book, but it’s his positive attitude and how he helps the community of writers that we’re especially fond of. Alex is good people.
Alison Martino – We love Alison’s look at Los Angeles from the past. That town has changed (in some ways not for the better) and it’s great to see it during the “glory days” when anything seemed possible.
Ashley Warren – Writer, content creator, teacher and all-around cool person, Ashley is a great writer herself and can help with your writing too. Plus, she makes some great D&D stuff. We love that.
Chuck Wendig – Another one of our favorite writers on Twitter. Chuck’s novels, especially Wanderers (which is our favorite) are great and his writing advice, gentle or otherwise, is top notch. Follow him and you won’t be sorry. Plus, you just may learn something too.
Deborah Ann Woll – We first noticed her because of her amazing work as an actress on True Blood and Netflix’s Daredevil. Now we follow her for great D&D tips and adventures and because she’s just really cool.
Dyson Logos – This guy draws some of the best D&D maps we’ve ever seen and he shares his knowledge freely. We like that.
Gail Simone – One of the best writers working in comics today. Also, one of the funniest and nicest too. Definitely worth a follow.
James S.A. Corey – We love The Expanse books and TV series, so this account is a must follow for us. Plus, his info and opinions on science, writing, space, life and more are first rate. And, he doesn’t suffer fools. We appreciate that.
Javier Grillo-Marxuach – A terrific writer and television creator who also takes time out of his day to help other writers be better at their craft. What’s not to like?
John Scalzi – We can’t highlight people to follow on Twitter without mentioning Scalzi. We love his books, his blog, his Twitter account and his no-bullshit attitude towards certain topics and individuals. Definitely worth your time and a follow.
Jon Enge – One of our favorite creators and a damn fine Dungeon Master too. Check him out (along with our own Chris Ullrich and John Carle) on Twitch every Sunday night.
Keith Ammann – Author of some of our favorite D&D books about monsters, characters and how they fight.
Scott Weinberg – We know a lot about movies, but Scott kinda puts us to shame, especially in the horror genre. Plus, he’s pretty funny too.
Seth Rogen – You may not love him or his movies (we do, btw). We think he’s funny as hell, especially when he’s proving just how dumb certain other Twitter users are. You know what we’re talking about, right? Of course you do.
Swear Trek – If you ever wanted to see what various Star Trek characters really think, follow this account.
The Spaceshipper – Do you love cool space ships and more from classic sci-fi shows, movies and more? This is the account to follow.
That’s enough for today. But don’t worry, we’ll do this again soon. We follow a lot of cool people on Twitter.
Did we forget one of your favorites? Who do you enjoy following on Twitter? Sound off in the comments or hit us up on Facebook, Instagram or, magically, on Twitter. We’re there too. Amazing, right?
Happy Twittering!